Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Crazy Old Menard

I knew that the world had turned upside-down when my parents sent me the Menard News Paper. I go through the paper, and it's a regular Menard paper--filled with birthdays, high school awards, community disputes, and the normal horticulture article. It was pretty dull. But then I turned to the last page and see this headline:

WMD Training Set In Menard

I thought, "Surely, that doesn't mean what I think it means." It did.

"A six-hour training session on Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness will be held in Menard on Saturday, April 9th. The training session, sponsored locally by the Menard Sheriff's Department, will be held at the Fire Station from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m." It's intended to help "prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents of domestic terrorism involving WMD such as chemical and biological agents and nuclear, radioactive and explosive devises."

I'm sure old bin Ladin is sitting in a cave wondering how to attack Menard. I'm betting that's the first target.

We've all gone mad.



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