Friday, September 09, 2005

Ah Life

Movie theaters aren't the only things that have a problem with me. Coke machines hate me too.

I remember once, during the most depressed period of my life, I was out walking and being pathetic, feeling sorry for myself, when I happened upon a dollar laying by the sidewalk. I was quite thirsty when I found this dollar bill and hadn't had any money to buy me a drink, and so, in that moment when I found the dollar, the heavens seemed to finally be opened up. It seemed that I could see the end of this dark period of my life. I thought, "Yes, this dollar bill is the sign that there is a God after all, and He's going get me through this." I rejoiced, picked up the dollar, and skipped merrily to the coke machine. That's when, of course, the coke machine stole that dollar and didn't give me the Dr. Pepper that I thought was going to heal all my woes. I think it's safe to say that that was the worst moment of my life.

Well, I ultimately survived that little battle with the coke machine and looking back, it strikes me as a pretty decent parable, though I don't think I'll discuss that significance here. It turns out, though, that the dollar bill was right and the coke machine was wrong after all. Anyway, though, what got me to thinking on that little coke machine episode was another little coke machine episode that just happened.

I was going to get me a drink. I put in my money and pushed the button and heard something fall, but before I grabbed the drink, I looked down at the ground and saw one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. If you've ever been around me much, you know that I rejoice when I see a penny on the ground and alway pick it up and always save it. The Pierce superstitious streak in me just tells me that the penny is a sign of good luck. Well, when I looked down at the ground beside the coke machine, Lo and Behold, there were THIRTY PENNIES!!!!!! I was happy. And before I grabbed my drink, I threw myself into that small space between the coke machine and the wall, and I started picking up all those pennies before anyone else could come by and get them (or might see doing that). So I picked up my thirty pennies, went to grab my Coke, and there wasn't one there. I'd gained thirty pennies but lost my dollar.

I didn't despair this time though. I laughed. The coke machine got me again. Ah coke machines, you're winning the battle now. You steal my money, and when you don't do that, you're trying to make me fat. But I'll survive in the end....



At 2:02 PM, Blogger John Pierce said...

I must say, without offence to anyone else who'se ever posted a comment on here, that this comment by The Head is the coolest my blog has ever received.


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