Sunday, August 28, 2005

Yet Another Sad/Semi-Funny Adventure

So, I'm walking home yesterday. And I'm talking on the phone, which means that I'm not paying much attention to my walking. That's bad. So, I'm walking and I'm talking, and I see an African-American fellow riding on a bike toward me. This is on a sidewalk on the Tech campus. Anyway, this guy's arm is extended out somewhat, and he's holding up his hand. And I think, "Why does this dude want me to give him five as he rides his bike past me? That's strange." And then I think, "Well, I better do it or it'll look racist." So, the guy rides by, and I reach out and slap his hand. This doesn't work well, in part, because I have my keys in my hands and no time to put them in my pocket. Anyway, the guy rides on. I keep walking.

And about three steps later I realize that the guy wasn't wanting me to give him a high (or not extactly high...) five; he was just making a turn signal.



At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are crazy!! This gave me a big laugh this a.m. Thanks!


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