Sunday, March 05, 2006

And the Oscar Goes To...


I was really happy about this. What a great movie Crash was! I really can't imagine any of the other best picture nominees being more superbly done or more timely. Particularly in the year of Katrina, I thought that the film that deals with racism so poignantly ought to win.

Granted, I haven't yet seen Brokeback Mountain. I likely will eventually, but I just don't see how it can compare with Crash. Judging from the many clips I've seen of Brokeback, it seems too Hollywoodized. I grew up around plenty of real cowboys, and they don't sound or look anything like the cowboys in Brokeback. I may change my opinion when I see all of the other nominees, but I doubt I will. At the very least, Crash was outstanding--and much better than some of the recent best picture winners (Chicago, Gladiator, and Titanic leap to mind). If you've not seen it, go and do so.

I'm always suprised at how much I care about the Oscars. It's not generally something you would think I would care about. Since me and Kalyn were little (and didn't know better, I guess), though, we have loved them, and that's stuck. Anyway, this year's Oscars were pretty entertaining for me. John Stewart was funny, and I wasn't disappointed by many of the awards.

I did think that Dolly Parton's song should have won. She put on the performance of the night. I was also rooting for Amy Adams from Junebug (a really good movie) for supporting actress, and she lost (though Weisz was pretty decent in The Constant Gardener (which is, however, a much better book)).

Still, it was overall alright. I did beat Kalyn, after all, on predicting the most winners. I beat her soundly, and Crash won the top award. That made a good night.



At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crash is on my list of movies to see... I just watched The Constant Gardener (tonight), and I loved it.

Hope you're doing well. I miss you.

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. That was from me, Emily. Oops!


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