Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Book Recommendation

I just finished reading a really, really excellent book, and I thought I'd pass the title on to you. It's called Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World and is by Lee Camp. He's a Church of Christ professor, though he's sort of writing from an anabaptist perspective (which is more what the Church of Christ was 170 years ago). The basic idea is that Christians have largely compartmentalized our religion. We're very comfortable with the Gospel affecting our inner spirituality, our attitudes. We're not always overly comfortable with the Gospel influencing our lives. The Gospel, particularly the things that Jesus says, just seems a little too radical and a little too impractical to us. It's wrong, of course, to think that way though. If we're going to live under the governance of Christ, we have to take seriously what he says.

So anyway, this book's out to change things. It calls for more radical discipleship, and it examines what our society and Christianity within our society might look like if we were to take some of the more radical things Christ does a little more seriously.

This is one of those books that isn't overly comfortable to read. It challenged me continually. And it's not a book that anyone will agree with entirely. Being challenged isn't a bad thing though.



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