Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Prayers Requested

I ended yesterday’s blog post a little abruptly. The reason for this was that I got a phone call in the middle of typing. My Grandma had gotten sick, and my aunt was bringing her to the hospital in San Angelo. My mother is Grandma’s favorite child (out of eight) and is the closest one to the hospital, so the phone call was to tell me we were taking off to meet them at the doctor’s office.

So, Mom and I left. We really weren’t worried. Grandma’s pulled through countless spells like this, and it didn’t sound like this was one was too bad. Mom and I laughed and joked the whole way to San Angelo.

The problem is that Grandma’s health drastically worsened on that car ride to the doctor’s, and my aunt (who’s exactly the sort of person you want to be in charge of a difficult situation) had to really push it. By the time things got really bad, it was too late for her to do anything else but rush on to the hospital as quickly as she could. When Mom and I got out of the emergency waiting room (where we were waiting for them to show up) and first saw Grandma, we stopped still and couldn’t speak. We thought she was dead sitting there. She couldn’t move or talk, and I had to lift her out of the truck and put her in a wheel chair, and Mom had to hold her up in it as we took her into the emergency room.

She’s eighty-seven, had bi-pass surgery over ten years ago, has congestive heart failure, and now has pneumonia. Last night, they told us that she was “very critical” and probably wouldn’t survive the night. They also took down all directives concerning life support (etc.) and advised us to call the preacher. Then, they kicked us out for the night.

We waited all night for the call, which doesn’t make sleeping very easy. It’s a little like sleeping with a pinched nerve. You finally find a position where there’s not the piercing pain, but you spend so much energy trying to maintain that single position that you exhaust yourself and feel worse than before. We didn’t sleep well. The call never came though.

So, we’re starting a second day of all this, and it’s never very easy to go through. We’re, of course, not ready for the worst to happen, but I think we are all prepared (especially Grandma). If you get a chance, please pray for peace, whatever that is going to be in this situation.


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hugs and prayers* - Allie and Josh


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