Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Well, I've obviously not gotten going on that steady blogging I was talking about. This has happened for about three reasons.

1. I'm in Menard, and because of this, the internet isn't very helpful.

2. Despite being in Menard, I've been rather busy. We're in charge of two reunions this summer, and I've done some work on those. My parents have about twenty extra jobs they do (cleaning and mowing mainly), and I've been helping with them. Also, my uncle up in Kansas passed away last week, and so, Dad, Uncle Bill, and I drove up to Kansas for the funeral. All in all, blogging hasn't been a priority lately.

3. I haven't been able to think well or, at least, write recently. It sounds crazy, and if I weren't me, I would think I was being rather whiney, but I think I was really burned out from writing after my last few semesters. I've needed to rest. And I think I have now.

I have been thinking about my blog though, particularly on my trip when I was just sitting in the back of the car staring out the window at Oklahoma (nothing to look at=plenty of time to think). I've got a few things to write about, if I can make myself just do it. Even though I've had this blog for a while, I'm still pretty intimidated by it. Writing is such an arrogant and humbling act. A few times I've cringed at my own arrogance for putting a few of my (often ill-thought-out) opinions in writing for others to read (though, thank God, so few do), and I've even taken a few posts down. Of course, you can lean the other way too far also and not have the confidence to say anything. That's probably why I talk in class so little (quite the problem for an English grad student). I'm a man of few words (at least when I'm not around family) because I don't think I have much to say worth saying. Making myself blog more, starting now, will probably be good for me. That'll be my halfway through the year resolution. Forgive me if I write anything stupid.


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