Wednesday, October 05, 2005

23 Trips Around the Sun

Well, my birthday is October 5th, and today is October 5th. It was a good day. I got up early and went to work finishing a paper that was due. Did you know that T.S. Eliot's modernist agenda in "The Wasteland" was in part expressed and carried out by his assumption in the poem of Hebraic linguistic forms--as they are expressed in the translation of Old Testament poetry into English--whose inherent thought-styles parallel the modernist view of the world as fragmented, absurd, and meaningless and in need of being "fit"? That's my argument at least. I hope it makes sense to my professor, and I hope I'm right on that one; it was too early to tell. Anyway, I did that and got on the road.

Then, I drove for three hours. Along the way, I thought stupid stuff as usual. For instance, I passed a truck at a moment when I shouldn't have, and I thought, "How many times has that trucker seen stupid people in their little cars pass him?" I could imagine him keeping count. Then, I thought, "I should keep count of that stat." Then I thought, "No. that's stupid, but I should keep count of something." But then I thought, "No, I would need to wait until a special day so that I could keep count from that day on for the rest of my life for whatever it was I was counting, and I don't want to have to wait for such a day." And then I realized, "Oh (**&^*&^*&^!!!!!! Today's my birthday!!!! That is a day I can count from!!!!" And then I thought, "So, what the heck am I going to count???" And then, I thought, "What am I doing driving on the grass?" And then, I officially stopped thinking.

I did make it to Abilene. My sister cooked for me, and it was good. She and BJ gave me a gift, and I will waste countless hours playing the video game they got me (thank you guys!). And I ate a cake made for me by Emerald. Then, I went to Starbucks with Kayla and Brittney. Then, I came back here and talked to Grandma, Mom, and Dad. Then, I blogged. Tomorrow, I'm on the road again.


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelled Brittany's name wrong!! Shame on you, John. I'm glad you enjoyed your b-day. I included the link for my xanga. I'm telling's nothing interesting. Be safe on your way to Baylor!

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! The last link was wrong. Try this one!

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy b-day, senor.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Emily said...

happy birthday! take care, old man. :-)


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