Saturday, September 24, 2005

Watch it now.

The other day, I was saying something stupid, like usual, to my roommate (probably something about my frustration with my admins), and he said, "Are you going crazy again?" And I said, "No, I'm not going crazy again. In order for me 'to go crazy again,' I would have had to have become uncrazy so that I could now be going crazy again, and I haven't done that recently." At least I'm logical when I'm not totally with it (or so I think).

Anyway, that's how it's been lately. And today, after I finished a pointless meeting with its bad pizza (have you ever seen pizza where all of the cheese had evaporated off of it?) and finished up my office hours, I needed to do something non-school. I had no time to do something like this, but I wasn't going to make it otherwise.

So, I went to Corpse Bride. And it was awesome. Burton created a world that's quite a bit like mine here in the desert (though mine doesn't have all that romance--just all the dead and nutty stuff) and it had a good ending. It made me feel good and much more sane. Go watch it.



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