Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We never had a chance...

So last night, me and my sister are talking, and we decide that we're sick of not having any breakfast food in the house. Plus, we were running low on a couple of other things, so we made a late-night trip to Wal-Mart. We were there for thirty or forty minutes, picking up some milk, ham, frozen dinners and vegetables, and a good bit of other stuff. We checked out and came home.

Getting out of the car, I went to unlock the apartment door. Of course, when I opened the door, the cat ran out, and I picked him up before he got in the street. Then, me and Kalyn held him there talking about how horrible and cute the cat was, and we went inside.

Kalyn went and took a shower, and I read for a while. She went to bed. I checked my email, and started to get ready for bed.

Then it hit me.

About an hour had passed since we got back from Wal-Mart, and we had both forgotten to bring in the groceries. I just started laughing and told Kalyn, who starting laughing, since we're just about the only two people who would spend an hour shopping and immediately forget to bring any of the groceries in. Then, I went and got the groceries.

I blame the cat and genetics.


At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do NOT get this from your Mother!!!!!!!!

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sorry, but that story has gone from being funny to just being sad...

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Will. I fear that one of these days when John is a pastor, he'll show up an hour late to his church, face his congregation, and say, "I blame my sister's cat for forgetting that it was Sunday." I would recommend assassinating the poor cat before it does any more damage...

At 1:41 PM, Blogger John Pierce said...

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...


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