Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Rather Pointless Post

I was hungry. I’d just gotten out of work, and I wanted a grilled chicken sandwich. It was 10:56, and I pulled into McDonald’s. They have good grilled chicken sandwiches there.

I pulled up to the menu thingy and ordered the sandwich. Simple really.

“We are only serving breakfast right now,” the voice said.

“Oh….When do you start serving your lunch menu?” I queried.


I looked at my watch. It was 10:58-and-a-half.


So I sat there for two minutes (nobody was behind me).

At 11:00, I ordered the sandwich. It was surprisingly cold.


At 6:57 PM, Blogger KM said...

I'm sure you have thrilling and important things to do, sir, so here's one more: you're tagged. The assignment is "8 things" and my post on it is called "Random 8."



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