Sunday, August 05, 2007

Maybe Abilene's Just Got Taste

My coming week is going to be almost impossibly busy, so I’ve been spending today getting all the little stuff done so that I won’t have to worry about it later.

One such thing was to get hold of a copy of the DVD of Twelfth Night. I’m supposed to show it to my class on Wednesday (we’re discussing the play on Monday and Tuesday). I thought I could get it at the library, but I was wrong. It was a different version (just made in the same year). So, I decided to rent it.

I went to the nearest video store. It was out. So I went to the next nearest video store. It was rented there, too. I went to the next one. I owe a totally unjust late fee at the place ($6 for one day late!), but I didn’t have to pay it. Twelfth Night was already checked out.

I think I’m going to give an especially difficult quiz tomorrow.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Kayla said...

Haha! I'm sure your students just checked it out as a supplement to the play, not a substitute for it :)
That article was funny. I don't think they've considered the people who will start breaking rules just so they get to wear the armband. That's what I'd do!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Rehkmira said...

to give your students the benefit of the doubt, i sometimes will watch a filming of one of shakes' plays to listen to the lines as i read them...

but i suspect that isn't the case here. thanks for the laugh.



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