Thursday, June 30, 2005

Wasting Away in Menardville

On Sunday, I weighed 190 pounds. This morning, I weighed myself on the same scales and was exactly 175 pounds. For those of you who don't want to do the math, that’s a difference of 15 pounds lost in four days.

I haven’t been dieting. I was wearing just boxers both times. The boxers were different, but they were the same brand and the same weight. I haven’t been sick. All downstairs plumbing has been working just fine. Not too little, not too much. I’ve been eating regularly. I’ve eaten quite a few fattening foods. I had showered just before weighing both times. I haven’t had a haircut. I have done no drugs, illegal or legal (though I did have one of Mom’s calcium candy bar things). I don’t smoke. My Mom has been cooking most of my meals. She has nothing against me that I know of against me. I have not been exercising. I’ve even had less mowing jobs than normal.

It’s just strange, that’s all…



At 11:09 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Maybe it's your brain matter atrophying away with the lack of grad school activity.... Just kidding! :-)


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