Saturday, October 08, 2005


Well, when I went home, I got some presents. Do you want to know what I got? First, they fed me a lot. The fried catfish and the blueberry pie were quite yummy. They also got me some new glasses. I've had the same pair of glasses for about six years, and it's pretty amazing that I can see at all with all of the scratches on them. So, they got me new glasses that are coming in the mail. I got some socks, too. I've been getting by on a lot of pairs of unmatched socks, and now I have some that are the same color!!!! Lastly, my parents bought me a new cap. I haven't gotten it to fit quite right yet, but at least I can't smell it.

I was also given some candy and some cards. My roommate forgot my birthday until I reminded him, so he now owes me a pound of flesh. I was also given the new computer version of the game Fable. My sister and her boyfriend's thinking was quite astute on this one. Yes, I probably would have been going insane next semester if I find myself somewhere other than Lubbock without my roommate's x-box to relieve my stress. Fable will probably save my life someday.


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