10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Time: 11:07
Favorite Month: October
Favorite Actor: Anthony Hopkins, Hugh Grant
Favorite Actress: Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslett
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
Favorite Food: Mom’s, Chicken Fried Steak
Favorite Drink: Coke
Favorite Places: Menard, TX; Garner State Park; Hawaii
9 Currents:
Current Feeling: Relaxed
Current O/S: I don’t know; I think it’s older than me
Current Windows Open: 1 Internet Explorer, 1 Microsoft Word
Current Drink: None
Current Time: 7:50
Current Mobile(s) Used: my stinky cell phone
Current Show on TV: Football – Atlanta Falcons v. Chicago Bears
Current Thought: Stupid Cowboys
Current Clothing: old jeans, old t-shirt, cap, santa claus boxers
8 Firsts:
First Nick: I had an uncle named Nick.
First Kiss: First year of college (not much happening in Menard)
First Crush: Fourth grade – I think it was one of the Kuykendall twins
First Computer: This one.
First Vehicle I drove: 1994 Geo Storm, blue
First Job: Babysitting the Schmidt brats, no one else would take the job
First Pet: tiny mutt named Tuffy. Still not sure if it was suicide or homicide that got him.
First Shave(men)/hairstyle(women): 7th grade, should have probably been in the 6th.
7 Lasts:
Last Chai (Tea): Never
Last Movie: Rent (highly recommended)
Last Time I Drove: This morning to church/
Last Time Shaved(men)/Beauty parlour visit(women): This morning.
Last Web Site Visited: My fantasy sports teampage (looks like the Cranes going for the championship!!!)
Last Software Installed: Been a long time, since my normal computer has been dead for a while.
Last Pill I Had: ibuprofen for a headache.
6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Law Shmaw
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Nope
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: Yeah.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: No.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: Yes
Have You Ever Broken AnyoneÂ’s Heart: Don’t ask me.
5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: An annoying commercial, myself typing, cat’s fighting
Things on Your Computer Table: 23 books, a computer, an empty glass, a roll of tissue, some computer games, miscellanious papers, cds, pencils, a pen, a chess board, two globes, a jar of change, a raccoon paperweight, a fan, a Bible, a spyglass (I don’t use it), some whiteout, some chapstick (that has to be at least 10 years old-I remember it in junior high), a model ship
Things on Your Bed: Sheets, remote control, 2 plankets, a quillow, 2 pillows, a box of kleenex, 2 cats, a book
Things You Ate Today: German sausage w/ tortillas and mock applebutter, pickled okra (to see if I still hated them—I do), three cokes (those count), an olive, three cookies, a salad (it took me five tries to spell that right, that shows how often I eat salad),
Things in Mind: the Stupid Cowboys, the even stupider and more desparate president that’s talking right now and keeping me from watching “The Family Guy” (see previous post)
4 Places You Have Been Today:
1. the house
2. church
3. Pic-N-Pac (the local convenience store)
4. the garage
3 People You Can Tell [Almost] Anything To:
1. Mom & Dad
2. Kalyn
3. Will
2 Choices:
Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold: Hot
1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die:
I dunno. Stuff.
And individuals I wanna tag:
I think that most of the people who read my blog are taking a break from their blogs. Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing these answers from Emily, Emily, Will, Keisha, Kayla, and Kevin.