Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I've not been blogging a lot recently. There's a reason.

I finally discovered the show 24. I've, of course, known about the show for years. I've always thought it sounded like a show I could like. But I also have been busy for a few years doing school and haven't ever gotten a chance to see it. Plus, I knew that it was one of those shows where you couldn't just catch an episode every now and then. I figured that if I watched one, I'd want to watch them all in order. That was time I couldn't afford, and I had never caught the season at its beginning.

Last week, though, I accidentally saw one episode. It was a repeat from season two. And it hooked me, and I have spent this whole week renting 24 dvds and watching them. I've now watched the whole of seasons two and three. I'm going to try to get hold of the other seasons, too, and then I can catch the repeats of the current season when they start this summer.

It's sort of sad really. But this is quite an amazing show which I recommend. It's addictive, and I'm a new, and happy, addict. I'll probably start caring about blogging again once I've caught up on past seasons.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger KM said...

Yeah 24 was hot. I got attached to the first series... and then I moved to Jamaica, and then moved here, & haven't thoroughly got back into it. (They were running repeats on UPN in LBK recently. Just before repeats of Alias, which I *did* get used to watching on Saturday nights.)

Am glad you're aight. ;-) Talk soon.


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