Sunday, October 01, 2006

I like water.

Today in Bible class, the teacher was working through the hundred and fifth Psalm, and he was trying to include everybody in the discussion. So he asked the class (which is made up primarily of people from 40-60 years old) to name some blessings that we have in our lives.

One fellow (a former professor of mine) raised his hand, and he said something like the following, "This morning I was thinking about water. I was washing my hands, and I turned on the tap, and I just stood there amazed at the water. There are so many people in so many countries that do not have water, and if they do have it, they cannot be assured that it is clean and they may not necessarily have the means to get it. And here I had clean water coming out of the tap."

I found it difficult to feel distressed (about school and the future, etc.) after hearing that.


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