Monday, October 16, 2006

Tomorrow, after my Greek midterm, I think I may actually write a post. I've had one or two planned.

For now, though, here's an article worth reading. This Kuo guy has some interesting things to say. I saw him on 60 Minutes, and he struck me as being very sincere.


At 2:27 PM, Blogger KM said...

Thanks for sharing this, John. Quite interesting indeed; I'd heard echoes of this story somewhere but hadn't tracked it down yet. He's totally right about the accountability necessary when people start "invoking God" and getting "dazzled" by the "ring of power," lol. I've seen it so many places and every time it's just sad to see what it does to people -- all Smiegels, all distracted by their Precioussssss. Same sort of stuff another guy, Ted Gossard, was talking about the other day. Might check him out at

Hope that test goes well.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I followed this story while Olbermann was developing it... and somehow I can't help but think "duh" in the general direction of the entire religious right. Welcome to politics, prepare to be used. That's what it's about.


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