Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It (you know what it is) continues...

Today was my classes' day to go to the library. The librarian lady was going to show them through the online databases so that they could do the research for their papers later on. It seems like I've sat through a hundred of these, and they're all just about the same. One of two things happens (if not both of them). Either it's so boring that nobody pays any attention, or the internet shuts down entirely and they can't even complete the presentation. I figured that with my luck it would be the second of these options.

I was right. The librarian started the presentation, and the internet messed up.

Librarian: "I've been through so many of these presentations this year, and none of them have messed up. I thought I might actually make it the whole semester."

Me: "Well, as I've told my class several times, I live under a curse, and this was most likely to happen with me in here."

Everyone but me: (moderate laughter)

Librarian: (still laughing) "Is this a curse that affects technology?"

Me: "No, it affects life."

Everyone but me: (much laughter)



At 1:39 PM, Blogger Kalyn Gensic said...

Happy birthday! May the curse allow you peace for this one day.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Kayla said...

Happy Birthday! Doesn't the curse lessen as you get older or something? I think I remember you saying that. Like, how your dad's lifted when he was 30 or so? Just 6 more years of misery!

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Rehkmira said...

The curse again, huh? You know, since it apparently was your birthday yesterday and I didn't know (happy birthday, btw), I'll offer you some consolation.

The office we shared back in the day was flooded royally, and all the desks ruined, and the carpet destroyed, and the walls moldy, and all that.

But when it flooded, it wasn't your office anymore.

Doesn't that make it better?


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Rehkmira said...

Yeah, that silly little "/* symbol is italics for "it wasn't your office anymore". Not sure why I can't get HTML to work in blogger comments.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger John Pierce said...

Thank you all for the birthday greetings.

Yeah, many of the larger aspects of the curse will (hopefully) be lifted in the future. I look forward to that day. Unfornately, many of the smaller effects (like making the HSU server crash by my being present), I suspect will linger until I'm gone. One year closer... :-)

That's so sad about the office. Not all of my memories of Tech are overly happy ones, but the ones from that office are. Hopefully, at least, it killed off all of the giant flies.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday...a little late!

Best wishes,

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Brittany Baumgartner said...

Happy be-lated birthday! And I'm inviting you the next time I have to sit through that presentation. I never have that kind of luck.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a theory about this - it only happens to teachers that are cool - because the same thing happened to me when I took my classes to the library. I might be completely deluding myself, but at least my ego is doing well. Happy happy belated and all that. Allie

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Will Raz said...

Happy really late Birthday Juan Valdez. I could have sworn it was in November... Oh wait thats my birthday! Oh silly me. Anyway Im gonna try and come to Em's wedding. But I can't make any promises. I just started and I don't get any days of vacation. But I do get sick days! I think I feel something coming on right now... COUGH COUGH

P.S. I found your zip drive you lost back in Lubbock when we where moving out. I found it outside (Go figure)


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