Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here's a nice article I found from Newsweek on Pan's Labyrinth, that largely sums up what I liked about the film. It's by Rabbi Marc Gellman: 'Pan's Labyrinth' Is a Spiritually Important Film.


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to let you know that we finally went to see Pan's Labyrinth last night. And, I must say, you were right on all accounts.

Even armed with your review, I still wasn’t entirely prepared for what I was getting into. It’s really not the sort of film that you can go into with any pretenses or expectations, I think. I believe I was expecting the film to be more Tolkien-esque and other-worldly, and I was really expecting the two plot lines to mirror each other more explicitly (a la Cabaret). So, I was intellectually and emotionally surprised, which is a nice feeling these days. Today, I’m still left thinking about how the two plot lines comment on each other. I really haven’t been that gripped by or emotionally involved in a movie in years (oh, the suspense!).

Yes, I did find it very hard to sit through at times, but I certainly don’t think the violence was gratuitous. Certainly, the movie wouldn’t be as powerful or meaningful without it, which is unfortunate for the weak-stomached. My companions seemed to be affected by the violence to a lesser degree—I was the only one squirming and pulling my coat up above my eyes!

Em :)


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