Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Why do I ever watch tv? It only makes me mad.

For instance, I happened across Glenn Beck's show. He was (almost gleefully, it seemed) declaring that WWIII obviously has now begun in the Mideast (as Newt Gingrich has been doing, too, recently). So, it was, of course, time for Beck to draw up sides.

For Beck, there were three groups: the "Allies" (the US), the "Axis" (they're the evil ones), and (worst of all) the "Spineless Worms." The plan was to name a country, and stick it into the correct group.

Derrida would have loved this little exercise.

As it turned out, for Beck, everyone but the United States (and maybe Israel) is pretty much in the "Axis of Evil." This, perhaps, includes Great Britain, according to him, since they have so many of those scarey Muslims. Switzerland is the spineless country.

If this rhetoric keeps up, I worry that we may actually see WWIII around the corner. (It would do wonders, however, for the Republicans in the midterm elections. That's what seems to matter.)

I'm definitely not decided on it, but Christian anarchism looks better to me every day.


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